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Green Herb Egg Scramble

The Art of Simple Food by Alice Waters is one of my favorite cookbooks. Flipping through the pages for inspiration, her creations are not overly complicated and give you dishes where the simple flavors shine through. Using local and seasonal ingredients is the core of this book, and you can’t get more local then pulling basil leaves off the plants sitting on your deck or in your backyard.

I have been buying eggs from the Farmer’s Market or from our local co-op for years now. With their large orange yolks that stand up and look right back at you, these eggs do not disappoint. Alice walks through how to make the perfect scramble eggs, which includes using butter as the starter. Having a habit of using olive oil for my scrambles, I decided to use some local butter I purchased a few days ago. I made sure to heat the pan over medium heat for a few minutes, then added the butter. Waited until the butter is almost finished foaming to add the egg mixture, let them sit for a minute, then began to push around with a spatula. I removed them right before they hit my desired consistency, since eggs will continue to cook once they have been removed from heat. From there I added, ahem, more butter, and herbs I plucked from my many herb plants. With a bit more salt and pepper, I sat down to enjoy my simple, yet tasty, egg scramble.

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Green Herb Egg Scramble

Adapted from The Art of Simple Food by Alice Waters

Serves 2

4 eggs
2 tbsp almond, soy or regular milk
1 tbsp unsalted butter, separated into halves
Salt & Pepper
1 c loosely packed of basil, parsley, thyme, marjoram,or any mixture of fresh herbs,

Whisk the eggs and milk together and season with a pinch of salt and pepper. Finely chop the herbs and set aside. Heat a skillet over medium heat for about one minute, then add the first 1/2 tbsp of butter. Right before the butter is done foaming, pour the egg mixture in the pan. Let sit for about half a minute, then move around with a spatula, remove from heat right before desired doneness. I cooked mine for about 4 minutes. Add the remaining butter and herbs to the eggs, mix gently. Season to taste with salt and pepper, and serve immediately.


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